Buy tickets for Touch & Go at Brisbane’s Out of The Box Festival website.
Buy tickets for Touch & Go at Artplay in Melbourne.
I am honoured to be performing as live musician in the new work Sally Chance Dance called “Touch & Go” for children aged 2 years. The show is touring to Melbourne and Brisbane!
Calling all two-year old children and their adults!
From the team that brought the hugely popular This [Baby] Life and Nursery to past Out of the Box festivals comes a brand new performance work, Touch & Go – a dancing game of cause and effect, carefully created for this curious and hands-on age group.
Touch & Go is dedicated to the mighty two year old, inviting them to enter a special world with two friendly dancers, shapes, pathways and live music. Interspersed with playful enticements to become part of the performance, children are free to take part or observe, venture out or stay close, touch and go – just as they need to.
Creator and Director: Sally Chance
Composer/Musician: Heather Frahn
Performers/Dancers: Stephen Noonan and Felecia Hick
Designer: Wendy Todd
Artistic Associates: Jennifer Andersen and Heidi Weatherald from Pocketfool
Produced by Insite Arts
Touch & Go is an interactive dance theatre work with live music specifically made for 2-year-old children and their parents, grandparents and carers.
The work is performed by 3 performers in an interactive designed space which is alive and responsive.
The show is not suitable for children younger than 24 months or older than 36 months.
Each child must have a participating carer with them within the performance. If the child attends with two adults, one of the adults is designated “accompanying”, and is seated within the space to observe. The participating carer is involved with the child in the show in a series of relaxed and specific playful invitations.
Throughout the show, the performers request that participating carers support their child’s experience. This may involve sitting closely to their child as well as letting the child explore, discussing the show with the child, encouraging their attention and taking care of the child’s security within the performance space.