Calling all 2 year olds and babies – Heather performing at Festival 2018 – Gold Coast with Sally Chance Dance Company

“Touch & Go” by Sally Chance Dance. Pictured L-R: Stephen Noonan, Heather Frahn, Felecia Hick. Photo courtesy of Artplay Melbourne.

So excited to announce that I’ll be performing with the Sally Chance Dance Company in two productions at the Festival 2018 on the Gold Coast QLD

The two productions we’re showing there at Touch & Go (for 2 year olds) and Nursery (for babies aged 4-18 months). I’ll be performing alongside my dear and treasured colleagues Sally Chance, Stephen Noonan, and Felecia Hick. The shows are produced by Insite Arts. These shows are delightful and you can get all the information about the show times and venue at the following links:

Touch & Go – for children aged 2 years.

Touch and Go entices, dares and entertains children in a playful environment.

Your two-year-old child will enter a wonderful world of shapes and pathways, stepping stones and lines, with two friendly dancers and a live guitarist.

Along the way, children are enticed to become part of the performance. They are free to take part or observe, venture out or stay close, touch and go – just as they need to.

Nursery – for babies aged 4-18 months

Celebrate the moment-by-moment fascination of a being a baby in this ground-breaking and beautiful production.

Enter a safe and special play space in which babies and performers together create beauty, delight and a sense of connection.

Developed through extensive research into ways in which babies and their adults tune into one another, this gentle piece is presented especially for babies and their adults.

Nursery by Sally Dance Chance is performed by two dancers and a musician.

Ages: Under 2 years old